Welcome to my portfolio website!

I'm Phillip Squarcetta

Software Engineer Web Developer Tech Enthusiast

I'm a full time Software/Web Engineer with well-rounded Computer Science skills, real world experience collaborating with Full Stack Development teams, fine-tuned soft skills, and a strong passion to explore new tech stacks.

Anthony Berrios headshot

Projects I've been working on

Simon Game

Technologies Used:

simon image


The Simon Game project is based on a real life electronic game which involves short-term memory skill. Each level presents a series of tones and lights that requires a user to repeat the sequence. If the sequence is incorrect, the game resets.

Live Demo
Source Code

Drum Kit

Technologies Used:



Interactive Drum Kit that allows users to create various beats using their keyboard or by clicking the images on screen 🤘🏻 🥁.

Live Demo
Source Code

Landing Page: TinDog

Technologies Used:



Landing page for an app that helps dog owners meet new friendly dogs in their area.

Live Demo
Source Code

To-Do List

Technologies Used:



To-Do List app that allows users to add/cross off items on a list of tasks to accomplish.

Live Demo
Source Code

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